Training Sessions
Training sessions are for club members only and can be made via JustGo by either:Using the links issued to members via our What's App groups
Members can login to JustGo and search club training and events
Members can login to JustGo and search club training and events
Guidance on Collecting Children & Parental Responsibility
Parents should be aware that the responsibility for children is automatically handed over to parents at the end of each club session. Whether on the beach, or in the swimming pool, duty of care becomes the parents/carers responsibility at the end of each training session. Parents should aim to arrive at least 5 minutes before the end of the session to collect and take responsibility for their child. Late collection of children presents a potentially difficult problem to club coaches and leaders, as SSLSC will NOT be responsible for transporting children home should parents/carers be delayed.
Parents are solely responsible for any child that makes their own way to and from Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club sessions.
Parents should be aware that the responsibility for children is automatically handed over to parents at the end of each club session. Whether on the beach, or in the swimming pool, duty of care becomes the parents/carers responsibility at the end of each training session. Parents should aim to arrive at least 5 minutes before the end of the session to collect and take responsibility for their child. Late collection of children presents a potentially difficult problem to club coaches and leaders, as SSLSC will NOT be responsible for transporting children home should parents/carers be delayed.
Parents are solely responsible for any child that makes their own way to and from Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club sessions.